Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Little White Crosses: A Follow Up

Little white crosses outside a local church.

A year ago, I wrote this post about the Little White Crosses that churches and Christian schools put in their lawns as a memorial to the thousands of children “killed” by abortions each year. If you haven’t read that post, I would encourage you to read it first so you understand where I’m coming from.

The crosses showed up again yesterday. Why? Because today is the National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. A day that is particularly painful for those of us who have had abortions.

Yesterday, when I drove past the little graveyard, I knew I needed to re-share my original post. 

Today, a brave woman told me that she DREADS this time of year. Why? Because of the little white crosses. 

I am horrified to think that the feeling of DREAD would be associated with anything or any place that represents Christ. 


And yet, I share her dread. No matter how many years go by and how much I truly understand that I am a new creation in Christ who has been saved by the blood He shed on the cross, the pain associated with my abortion will never fully go away… at least not on this side of heaven.

But let’s be clear… I do NOT dread seeing those crosses because I feel shame. I HAVE NO SHAME BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN BY THE GOD WHO LOVES ME. No, I feel dread because there are men and women who have had abortions that do NOT know the love of Christ and will not step foot into a church because of those crosses.

I think reminders of where we have been are a good thing. They keep us focused on God and what He has done to pull us out of the pits we have created for ourselves. We NEED to be reminded that we cannot do this alone. We NEED Him. That’s why I have shared my story EVERY time He’s asked. Even when it’s embarrassing. Even when it’s painful. Even when I run the risk of being judged by man.

I remember seeing those crosses before I knew God’s grace. They were condemning and judgmental. They screamed, “Get away, you wretched sinner! You are NOT welcome here!”

I don’t think the people that put the crosses in the lawns are bad people. I just don’t think they comprehend the real message they are sending. It’s difficult to stand up for what is right in a loving way. And it’s easy to be more concerned with telling people they are wrong rather than loving them into a relationship with Christ.

I had a thought this morning… what if the sign read instead, “In honor of the thousands of men and women affected by abortion each year. May you know the love God has for you and may you find refuge and healing in this place of worship.”


Anything other than what it says.

If you agree with what I’ve said, would you please help take away the dread that comes with this time of year? Would you consider sharing these thoughts or your own? But I implore you, do it in the spirit in which it is intended and that is a spirit of love. Help me educate people about the message they are sending. I have every confidence that it is NOT the one they intended.

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