Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 196

Join the Something Uncomfortable movement on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SomethingUncomfortableSteppingFromFearToFreedom

Life is just kind of crazy around here lately. There have been lots of emotional, scary and uncomfortable things happening in SchneiderLand these days.

On Sunday, I had a hangnail. So I did what most normal people do: I cut it off. It felt kind of tender, but I went about my business.

At 3 o’clock on Monday morning, I woke up in excruciating pain. I turned the light on in the bathroom only to discover that my finger was swollen, red and hot. I made Adam look at it. He thought it could wait until morning, but insisted that I have it looked at. There are few things that are more unsettling than a man (who won’t go to the doctor unless it’s severed) insisting that you have something looked at by a doctor.
Meet Sausage Finger
Sure enough, it’s infected. And they put me on antibiotics. Why? Because these infections can spread quickly and cause serious problems. Oh and if puss pockets develop, I have to go back to have it drained. Vomit. Apparently doing it at home can complicate the infection. Awesome.

As I pondered the ridiculousness of the situation, I started to actually become grateful for it. I have desperately needed to laugh. So that’s what we did. My kids have been dressing Sausage Finger and talking to Sausage Finger. My daughter even cried last night because she didn’t get to hold Sausage Finger when we prayed.

Sausage Finger showing off Iridessa's skirt.
Sausage Finger getting ready to go out in the rain with my tiger striped rain boots.
Sausage Finger hurts like crazy and has NOT been responding well to the rain, but Sausage Finger is funny. And apparently he was lonely, because he went and got himself a new friend and neighbor this morning. Meet Blood Blister Bob…

Blood Blister Bob & Sausage Finger chillin in the car.
Life hasn’t just given me lemons; it’s given me a Sausage Finger. I figure, when life gives you a sausage finger, put a dress one it.
What do you need to put a dress on today?