Friday, July 6, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 116
I know this will probably come as a shock, but I don’t do sticky… or dirty… or messy. Yuck! The feeling of sticky things literally creeps me out.

So it is not at all surprising that my almost 4 year old daughter is still using a bib. I’m not sure what the normal the-kid-is-too-big-for-a-bib cutoff age is, but we’ve likely passed it. A few days ago, she asked if she could stop wearing it. I agreed to let her as long as she ate over her plate. I swear I have the wiggliest kids in town.

She’s been doing VERY well and so have I, but we really haven’t any major bib-less challenges… until today. I made her a cashew butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. I contemplated making her wear the bib. Instead, I added extra jelly, told her to pay attention to what she was doing and waited. Surprisingly, all of the jelly made it into her mouth!

From this, I had the realization that she’s probably a messy eater because she has had a bib to catch the mess. She has had no reason to try to be neat. Now, given the opportunity, my daughter is doing a great job because she wants to be a big girl.

What have you prevented your kids from being successful at by not allowing them the opportunity to learn how to be successful at it?

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