Monday, July 30, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 139
My kids and their cousins were playing outside this morning when I heard a strange rustling behind me. I had the uncomfortable feeling that there was a fairly large animal sitting there… watching me. I turned around and found this guy:

My gut reaction was to kick it into the neighbor’s yard. Instead, I called the kids over. My son was particularly determined to pick it up for a closer look. Of course, he had no desire to actually touch it. And so began our little dance to try and get this thing into the air.

Leaves and sticks didn’t work. And then I had the brilliant idea to use the sand shovel. I scooped it up… it flipped on its back… and I almost screamed. Those things are NASTY! My son was thrilled!

I hate bugs, but being momentarily uncomfortable is better than encouraging my kids to be afraid of them. Right?

On a side note, the other day, my daughter came in from the front porch and said, “Look what I found, Mommy! Isn’t it gross?” I yelped when I realized she was holding a fairly large and fuzzy dead spider… in her hand! I assumed she didn’t know what it was and asked her as much. She responded with, “I thought it was a spider. That’s what it looks like!” SERIOUSLY?!?! Who is this child?

And now let’s be done with the insect uncomfortables… please!

What uncomfortable things do you tolerate in order to humor your kids?

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