Sunday, August 4, 2013

Talk About Something Uncomfortable…

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So if you’ve read my blog at all you know that there are certain things that terrify me… new people and using the phone are two of the biggest. The main reason why I started the Something Uncomfortable journey was to get over some of my paralyzing fears so I can live life to the fullest.

God has used many unexpected things to help me tackle my fears over the last 17 months. I think it’s safe to say that I never thought He would use pretty bags to work on my character.

Near the end of the school year, a mom (Kat) did a Thirty-One fundraiser at my son’s school. I LOVE their products and jumped all over the opportunity to have a party without having a party. “My son” sold so many bags that he won some prizes and helped to earn a pizza party for his class.

I thought that would be the end of it.

I’m such a silly girl.

In June, I received an email from Kat telling me that the Large Utility Totes were on special for $10. Well, I clearly NEEDED a second LUT and I’m a sucker for a great deal. And in all honesty, I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to connect with Kat so I could meet more people at my son’s school. So I signed up to do an online/catalog party.

Before I knew it, Kat was at my house dropping off the catalogs and supplies. Obviously, I didn’t think it through. If I had, I would have realized this endeavor would require talking to people. While she was here, I noticed the enrollment kit:

Ummm… it has a retail value of over $300 but only costs $99 and it has 3 of the bags I wanted to purchase anyway in the colors/prints I want. As a bargain shopper, that kit haunted me all month.

Poor Kat. Near the end of the month, I grilled her with a million questions. She told me that consultants make 25% of the party totals. What?!?! That’s unbelievable! And when my party went over $600 (that was an ONLINE party… I didn’t even show anyone the products in person), she agreed to split the part with me. I signed up.

Oh. My. Goodness! What did I do?????

And then someone asked to do an in-home party. Which I swore I wouldn’t do. EVER! I mean, I was fully intending to hide behind my computer and watch this thing fizzle away… But clearly God had something else in mind. (BTW, the party was a blast and I cannot wait to do another one.)

My family and I just went on our first real family vacation. And it was wonderful!! Why? Because my poor husband works 18+ hour days 5 days/week and 6-8 hours on Saturday. We own a small construction company and are desperately trying to get out of debt. We took a break for 10 whole days. And it was GLORIOUS!

What does this have to do with Thirty-One? Well, as a family, we agreed that we NEED to take a vacation EVERY year. And we NEED to get out of debt so we can buy a house that better suits our family. Our solution: Mommy is going to work Thirty-One and save the profits so we can go on vacations and have family time while Daddy keeps the construction company going.

And are you ready for the real kicker? Last year, I volunteered 2 days each week in my son’s class and intend to do the same this year. Because of that commitment along with doing the books for the construction company, I didn’t think I could help out with the PTO. Guess what Kat is? Besides being an awesome person and a great Thirty-One sponsor, she is the incoming president of the PTO. BAH! Are you dying? Cuz I thought I was going to when I heard that! Guess who’s going to be helping the PTO this year?

God is so funny! I love (and sometimes hate) how He sneaks up on you and gives you opportunities to grow when you least expect it. And I LOVE how He blesses you immensely when you follow His lead. 

How has He challenged you to be uncomfortable lately?