Monday, December 16, 2013

Mind. Blown.

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There has been a blog post circulating lately talking about the biggest misconceptions about Christianity. I couldn’t agree with it more. (If I can find it, I’ll tag it.) The main point of the post is that life for a Christian is hard. In fact, becoming a follower of Christ often brings a life filled with disappointment… because fellow believers will let you down. Persecution… because people will not understand your convictions and will let you know how wrong you are. And unfounded judgment… because people assume that you are a hypocrite because a lot believers ARE hypocrites.

So why in the world would someone choose to follow Christ? 

Because the hope we have in Him far outweighs any of the nonsense we face here on earth.

Adam and I follow Christ with wild abandon. We trust Him with everything we have. When He tells us to give, we give. When He tells us to serve, we serve. When He tells us to share our ugliness and the work He is doing in us because of it, we do it loud and publicly. When He convicts us to take a stand on something, we hold firm in that conviction even when the stones are being thrown.


Not because we are special.

Not because we are better than anyone else.

Because we love Him. He saved us from ourselves (believe me, there was a LOT to save me from) and sacrificed His only Son so that we can spend eternity with Him.

How can we not trust Him with everything?

The best part is when God shows up with a great big ridiculous hug saying to stay the course.

Today I received several of those “hugs” and felt led to share one with you.

On Saturday, I posted the following on facebook:

Being super cheap with expensive taste is painful. I need a new winter coat and of course the one I've decided that I NEED is not cheap. But I'm too cheap to buy it unless I can find it on sale which isn't going to happen because these coats never go on sale. So it looks like I'll keep wearing my coat with the blue paint on the butt. I blame my OCD and being a part of generation x for boring you with this information.

My point in sharing was to show how ridiculous I am. Instead of being practical, I had my heart set on an unnecessary $300 coat. Honestly, it was just an early morning ramble.

Well, my mom found a similar coat at a fabulous boutique in town. She had me meet her there yesterday to check it out.

The coat is amazing. It is less expensive AND there was an adorable scarf to go with it.

Today, my husband came home with an envelope from our church mailbox addressed to me with $200 in it and the following note:

Beside myself with excitement, I went to the store today and paid for them both. The total? $198.10!

Are you kidding me? Mind. Blown!

I have no clue who gave me the money. I am completely humbled by the gift. That was NOT necessary, nor was it my intention in writing the post.

But that’s what I’m talking about. A huge hug from God. I had a pretty rough week last week dealing with a lot of interpersonal struggles. The coat, is a warm reminder that people are good. AND that God is even better. It’s worth staying the course when life gets bumpy because we are NOT alone.
You can see why I don't take selfies on a regular basis. The coat and scarf are soooooo cute!

Thank you so much to the person who delivered that hug from God! 

God is so good. All the time. Even when He doesn't buy you a new coat.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Praise GOD!!! That is a wonderful blessing!!! And it looks great on you!
