Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Son Is Outgrowing His Allergies… Or Is He?
My poor son has inherited his Mommy’s allergies. Watching him suffer from food, animal, seasonal and indoor allergies has been so sad. In November of last year, we stopped his antihistamines so we could test his allergies… AGAIN. The strangest thing happened: all of the food tests came back negative! And so the food challenges began: Peanuts, cashews, walnuts, pecans, almonds… He has eaten them all with NO reactions. Praise God! My son has outgrown his allergies! Or has he?

Yesterday, I realized a not-so-insignificant coincidence: my daughter has been off of her antihistamine just as long as my son without any issues. AND I have been functioning on one antihistamine per day as well. You see, my allergies are so bad that I take multiple drugs each day in order function. This winter has been an allergy sufferer’s nightmare, and I’ve managed to survive on one antihistamine each day and no nasal steroid spray. 

Since it’s highly unlikely that the three of us have “outgrown” our allergies at the same time, there has to be some other common denominator(s) that have helped our cause. Here’s what I’ve come up with:

  1. Last May, we stopped eating artificial food coloring because of my daughter’s behavioral issues. There have been studies linking artificial food coloring to allergies.
  2. We haven’t eaten at McDonald’s (or any place like it) since June 25, 2011. This has been in an attempt to save money and to eat healthier. Let’s be honest, even the grilled chicken sandwich at McD’s isn’t the healthiest thing to be eating.
  3. While avoiding food coloring and nuts, we naturally started eating more whole foods that are not processed. This means less preservatives.

Our bodies aren’t meant to have all of that extra junk in them. So is it possible that when we keep the junk out, our bodies can fight the stuff we are already dealing with better? I’m not a doctor, but I know what we’ve experienced. I think we have one more reason to escape the trap of “easiness” that processed foods provide and find time to cook healthier meals for ourselves and our families.

I know how daunting this can seem. I’m in the process of recreating a lot of the processed foods we used to buy. Check out my recipes and feel free to share your own. I will continue to add more as my family approves them.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Uh-oh… Mommy’s Grumpies Are Back!

Last summer, I had a bit of a nervous breakdown. My hormones were so out of whack that my body was in constant turmoil. The numbers in my head were getting louder and more frequent… OK, I was running numbers ALL the time. My anxiety level was over the top and my bouts of depression were getting worse. I knew I needed to do something. I was tracking the symptoms and discovered most of them were cyclical. Obviously, my period was involved. But the numbers… well, they kind of scared me.

People have been calling me “anal retentive” as long as I can remember. (By the way, this is not a cute and funny term. It’s negative and mean. If you use it, I would strongly urge you to stop.) People also would tell me that I have OCD. For whatever reason, I thought everyone was kidding. Yeah, not so much. When the numbers became more of a problem, I started to do some research. I suffer from most of the OCD symptoms I found. The volume on certain TVs have to be set to even numbers; I lock my car 2 times; I double and triple check the locks in the house; I cannot even discuss my paranoia about germs without sweating a little bit; etc. I’ve not been officially diagnosed with OCD, but my symptoms are troubling enough for them to be a problem.

When I went to see Dave at the Medicine Shoppe about my hormone issues, he picked up on some pretty amazing things. He started asking me all sorts of seemingly bizarre questions. Frankly, the questions were so spot on, that I kind of wondered if someone had given him a heads up. Of course, no one had. As he asked and I answered, Dave flipped back and forth between his two homeopathic books. It was fascinating to watch. At one point, he told me that he thought I was a “Sepia.” A what? I don’t know. Nor did I care. I was a mess and was willing to do whatever he said for six months, even if it meant standing on one leg while picking my nose in public. If I didn’t improve in six months, then I was going to play Russian roulette with prescription drugs. (I’m allergic to almost everything and typically don’t do well with prescription drugs. AND I was interested in correcting the problem – if possible – rather than masking the symptoms.)

In addition to the natural progesterone cream, Dave started me on Sepia drops. They are a homeopathic solution that literally changed my life. It took some experimenting to get the dosing right, but within a few weeks, I started to feel better. Specifically, the numbers stopped. In fact, I now have a hard time doing math problems at all. This is weird for the girl who voluntarily took 3 years of calculus because I thought it was fun. BUT it is such a relief to be free of the numbers, that it’s a sacrifice I’m happy to make.

As time has gone on, I have been able to take the Sepia less often. I have also figured out the warning signs that let me know when I need to take some more. So this morning, when I woke up feeling REALLY grumpy, I knew I needed to grab the Sepia and turn this around. My family and I are so incredibly grateful to God for bringing Dave into our lives. What a difference his knowledge has made.

Suffering mentally is just as bad as suffering physically. Sometimes it can be worse. I’m NOT crazy… my brain just doesn’t work the way it should sometimes, just like our bodies don’t always work the way they should. If you suffer from a mental health issue, like I do, get help. And know that help can come in many forms. Counseling and homeopathy are a good place to start. Whatever you do, make a change for better health, and don’t do it alone!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Migraines… What Migraines?
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sixteen and was performing at camp with my high school pom squad. All of a sudden, I couldn’t hear the music and my vision became blurry. I somehow managed to finish the routine and promptly collapsed on the floor when we left the gym. My head hurt… like nothing I had ever experienced before. 

It wasn’t long before I was diagnosed with migraine headaches. And with migraines, come medications. LOTS of medications. I not only took prescription meds when I was experiencing a migraine, but I also took a daily medication to help prevent them. I shudder to think of the long-term effects these meds have had on my body. But what else could I do? Migraines are debilitating. If I didn’t take the meds, I couldn’t function. 

In 2005, I started going to a chiropractor that my mother recommended. I initially went for help with the curve in my spine and pain in my hands. Who knew that the first visit would change my life? After x-raying my neck and back, he asked if I had ever been in a car accident. I was in an accident when I was 13. Upon impact, I hit the windshield headfirst. This trauma was apparently so severe that I sustained a serious whiplash injury called “reverse neck.” As I was looking at my x-ray, I could actually see what he was talking about. Why didn’t the doctors mention this before? Great question! Throughout my life I have had numerous x-rays and MRIs (to rule out brain tumors) and no one told me what was wrong… until I met my chiropractor. 

Within 6 months, I was off all of my migraine meds. Depending on my stress levels, I only get 2 – 3 migraines each year. Which is no longer a big deal, because I go straight to my chiropractor who adjusts it out of me. UNBELIEVABLE! I was medicated daily for 16 years of my life… and it was completely unnecessary.

Let me clarify a few things:
  1. I am in no way anti-Western medicine. I am so very thankful for the medical community! They save lives and bring relief to people every day. We would be a mess without them.
  2. I AM against lazy medicine. I know doctors are over-worked and have to deal with insurance companies. But there has to be a way that we can do a better job of finding the cause of problems instead of just masking symptoms with medications.
  3. Not all chiropractors are created equal. There are good ones and there are bad ones (just like with anything). There are also several different styles. My chiropractor went to Palmer Chiropractic College. He is a sports chiropractor who uses the following 3 methods: Gonstead, Diversified & Thompson. According to him, one method is NOT enough. They are taught all 3. If one doesn't work, they need to use the others to clear stuff.
  4. Whiplash is NOT the cause of everyone’s migraines, so a chiropractor might not be able to help everyone.
The point is: You don’t have to settle for one person’s opinion regarding your healthcare. Be proactive. Do some research and don’t stop until you find the real cause of what ails you.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Artificial Food Coloring… Consume With Caution
My daughter was mean when she was 2½ years old. I know, I know… you are thinking, “Of course she was! They are called the “Terrible Twos” for a reason.” The thing is, she is my second child. I have experienced toddler-hood before. This was not normal. It was terribly upsetting. I loved my daughter, but didn’t like her very much. 

I had heard that there was some sort of link between artificial food coloring and behavior disorders, but I never really paid much attention to it. Finally I had a check in my spirit and thought there might be a link between the fruit snacks my kids were eating (everyday… I cringe just thinking about it) and the mean girl living in my house. 

Within a week of eliminating artificial food coloring from her diet, I met my REAL daughter for the first time. The difference was so drastic that other people noticed. I had hoped that we wouldn’t have to be neurotic about it. Then the kids ate red frosting at church. It took 3 or 4 days for her to get back to normal. She literally becomes mean within a couple of hours and then it takes a few days for her to withdraw from it. If I didn’t experience it myself, I would swear it was impossible.

The craziest thing about this process has been discovering that artificial food coloring is in almost EVERYTHING we buy. Obviously, things like fruit snacks and cookies with sprinkles have it. But so do some marshmallows (which are white… I don’t get it) and frozen waffles and crescent rolls and canned white frosting. And should we talk about your orange cheese? Does it come from orange cows? 

But don’t give up hope! There are alternatives. If you can afford organic foods, you can replace most of your snack foods at the store. If you can’t, learn how to make things at home and freeze them. I’m in the process of sharing some of our favorite recipes through this blog. I have even found natural sprinkles and food coloring for baking.

What to look for and avoid: anything that says a color and number (ex: Red 40) or the phrase “artificial food coloring.” 

What to look for that is OK: annatto and other plant-based natural food colors.

For further information about the insanity that comes from artificial food coloring, you can start here

This is where I would like to rant about why Europe has a higher standard for what goes into their food than we do in the United States... but I will spare you. Let me just encourage you to learn what you are putting in your body and in your children's bodies. Let's take control of our health and teach our children how to live longer, healthier lives.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Food is Fuel… It is NOT My Friend
I have always had an unhealthy relationship with food. I began starving myself in 4th grade. I began binging and purging in high school. Somewhere along the way I discovered diet pills and laxatives. And then after I got married, I became lazy. (Sorry, honey.) I had tried most diets, but just hadn’t figured it out. But I vowed I would, so that I would NOT pass this insanity down to my children.

Last summer, while I was on a walk in the park with my kids, I had a realization. “Food is meant to be fuel. It is NOT my friend.” Of course, we have all heard this before. But for the first time in my life, I heard it with my soul. I knew that I needed to learn how to eat properly. And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing since.

I downloaded the MyFitnessPal App for my iPhone. (You can use it online if you don’t have a smartphone.) It’s amazing! I learned how many calories I should be consuming each day and how many calories different foods have. With a little common sense and some Google searches here and there, I have taught myself how to eat properly. 

The best part about the App is that it tracks your weight. I weigh in every day. I know there are different schools of thought on this, but it’s what works for me. It holds me accountable and it allows me the freedom to be a little less strict and make up the bad days quickly. I’ve lost over 20 lbs. (It varies depending on the day... and the holiday.) I’ve gone from a size 6-8 to a size 2-4. But best of all, I’m a lot healthier.

This is definitely a work in progress. In fact, two weeks ago I gave up my beloved Lean Pockets and replaced them with a healthy homemade black beans and rice recipe. I make it once a week and have quick, easy lunches throughout the week. And this past weekend I had a pity party and put anything that wasn’t tied down into my mouth. But I’m back on track and focused again.

We aren’t meant to deprive ourselves of sweets and carbs and the foods we enjoy. BUT we certainly are not meant to binge on them either. After all, food is fuel… it is not our friend.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Worrying About the What Ifs

Lately, my sister and I have been talking about worrying. I have spent the majority of my life worrying… about everything. What if they don’t like me? What if my husband gets in a wreck and dies? What if I can’t pay my bills? What if a tornado goes over our house while I’m 6 weeks pregnant with our first child? Oh wait, that one happened :/ What if? What if? What if?

In Matthew 6:34, Jesus said, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (NLT) I’ve read that countless times and even had to memorize it in college. Each time I do, the conversation in my head goes something like this… “Yeah, yeah, yeah…don’t worry. Got it. But what if…? Where are my Anxiety drops?”

My sister shared a profound thought with me on the subject… There’s no point in worrying about something UNTIL it happens. If you worry about the “what if’s” you will spend more energy being miserable before the crisis happens than if you just dealt with the crisis when it happens. 

I know, I know… That’s what Jesus said! Maybe it’s just me, but sometimes I have to have things said a different way for me to truly get it. 

So whether you want to listen to Jesus or just take some advice from my sister, try to live in the moment. Worry stresses our bodies out and does NOT help us to stay healthy. And that’s our goal… right? We want to be healthy! Push those thoughts out of your head and live in the moment.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Peri-Menopause and Those Crazy Hormones
I come from a long line of women whose hormones go wacky early on. My grandmother had a hysterectomy at 40… because that was the general solution back in the day. My mother suffered for 17 years from the absurdity that is peri-menopause. And I joined the ranks when I turned 35. Fortunately, I had a clue as to what was going on. I started tracking my symptoms: tachycardia, hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog… brain fog… did I mention the brain fog? And there was the heavy bleeding that trapped me in my home for 1 to 2 days each month (if I was lucky enough to only get my period once a month). All of this was depressing, so naturally I became a grumpy, crazy person that no one wanted to be around.

My very sweet gynecologist and I tried everything. The pill turns me into Sybil, so we avoid those at all costs. The IUD had similar effects. She suggested a uterine ablation. It was a WONDERFUL little procedure that practically eliminated the bleeding altogether. Sadly, it didn’t help anything else. My gyno felt terrible that there was nothing more she knew how to do. My general practitioner suggested anti-depressants. Considering my symptoms were cyclical, I knew that wasn’t the answer.

Thankfully a friend of mine suggested that I see Dave at The Medicine Shoppe. Through Dave, I did a saliva hormone panel which measured my hormone levels for a month. With that, we discovered that my Progesterone levels are wacky. I have been using a Natural Progesterone Cream ever since. I have gone from barely functioning (literally – several days each month were spent on the couch just trying to meet the basic needs of my children) to feeling like a normal person again.

The moral of the story: Don’t suffer unnecessarily! Track your symptoms and keep seeking answers until you find a solution that works for you. You are NOT crazy! Hormones can be brutal and with each stage of life we enter into, they present new problems. So don’t suffer unnecessarily.

Please don’t hesitate to ask me questions… I’m an open book.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Here's what I'm thinking...

I have spent my entire life suffering... First it was from migraines. Then I developed severe allergies and an auto-immune disease. And now I have the privilege of experiencing peri-menopause. Did I mention the OCD, anxiety & depression? I'm a lucky girl... I know. Add to that a sweet little boy who suffers from allergies and asthma AND a beautiful little girl who has had a very BAD attitude. And that's just in my household. Look outside and you see people dying from cancer; an epidemic of children diagnosed with ADD and autism; and people with other chronic conditions who are still suffering in spite of being over-medicated.

I've searched for help throughout my life. I have found "band-aids" for my symptoms from time to time, but have rarely found people who were really interested in helping me fix the problem. I could go on and on about what hasn't worked. But who really wants to listen to me whine? So here's what I have found that does work... 

  1. Eat healthy foods in proper portions (Do you know how many calories there are in cheese? Google it... it's frightening! Especially if you eat cheese like it was necessary for survival... like I did.) 
  2. Exercise regularly.
  3. Calories out have to be more than calories in.
  4. Food is meant to be FUEL... not your friend. (But you should totally enjoy what you love in moderation.)
  5. Artificial food coloring makes us crazy. And it's in EVERYTHING. Why do marshmallows need food coloring? Seriously?!?! And frozen waffles? And crescent rolls? After a week of removing artificial food coloring from our diets, my 3 year-old daughter went from being straight up mean to being the sweet little girl God created her to be. Don't believe me? Give her some red frosting and take her home with you... you'll see.
  6. God created all sorts of yummy things for us to eat that help us to be healthy. 
I know, I know... you've heard this all before. So did I. Now I apply it to my life and I feel SOOOOO much better.

Don't worry, I'm NOT a tree-hugging health nut. (Not that there is anything wrong with that... kinda wish I was sometimes.) Nor am I an expert. But I am realizing that what I put in my body determines how I feel. So here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to tell you what works for me and my family and maybe that will help someone else find something that works for them. I'll post recipes as I create them. Like the granola that I made this morning... which is super-yummy! And I'm sure a random opinion or two might show up from time to time, cuz let's face it, I have a few :) I have no idea what I'm doing, so don't hold your breath. But maybe this could be interesting...

OK, time to go back to being a mom. My daughter has been looking at her lunch for an hour. Hopefully I'll post the granola recipe tomorrow. Oh and please tell me if you are reading this or if I'm talking to myself... again. ;)