Saturday, February 25, 2012

Uh-oh… Mommy’s Grumpies Are Back!

Last summer, I had a bit of a nervous breakdown. My hormones were so out of whack that my body was in constant turmoil. The numbers in my head were getting louder and more frequent… OK, I was running numbers ALL the time. My anxiety level was over the top and my bouts of depression were getting worse. I knew I needed to do something. I was tracking the symptoms and discovered most of them were cyclical. Obviously, my period was involved. But the numbers… well, they kind of scared me.

People have been calling me “anal retentive” as long as I can remember. (By the way, this is not a cute and funny term. It’s negative and mean. If you use it, I would strongly urge you to stop.) People also would tell me that I have OCD. For whatever reason, I thought everyone was kidding. Yeah, not so much. When the numbers became more of a problem, I started to do some research. I suffer from most of the OCD symptoms I found. The volume on certain TVs have to be set to even numbers; I lock my car 2 times; I double and triple check the locks in the house; I cannot even discuss my paranoia about germs without sweating a little bit; etc. I’ve not been officially diagnosed with OCD, but my symptoms are troubling enough for them to be a problem.

When I went to see Dave at the Medicine Shoppe about my hormone issues, he picked up on some pretty amazing things. He started asking me all sorts of seemingly bizarre questions. Frankly, the questions were so spot on, that I kind of wondered if someone had given him a heads up. Of course, no one had. As he asked and I answered, Dave flipped back and forth between his two homeopathic books. It was fascinating to watch. At one point, he told me that he thought I was a “Sepia.” A what? I don’t know. Nor did I care. I was a mess and was willing to do whatever he said for six months, even if it meant standing on one leg while picking my nose in public. If I didn’t improve in six months, then I was going to play Russian roulette with prescription drugs. (I’m allergic to almost everything and typically don’t do well with prescription drugs. AND I was interested in correcting the problem – if possible – rather than masking the symptoms.)

In addition to the natural progesterone cream, Dave started me on Sepia drops. They are a homeopathic solution that literally changed my life. It took some experimenting to get the dosing right, but within a few weeks, I started to feel better. Specifically, the numbers stopped. In fact, I now have a hard time doing math problems at all. This is weird for the girl who voluntarily took 3 years of calculus because I thought it was fun. BUT it is such a relief to be free of the numbers, that it’s a sacrifice I’m happy to make.

As time has gone on, I have been able to take the Sepia less often. I have also figured out the warning signs that let me know when I need to take some more. So this morning, when I woke up feeling REALLY grumpy, I knew I needed to grab the Sepia and turn this around. My family and I are so incredibly grateful to God for bringing Dave into our lives. What a difference his knowledge has made.

Suffering mentally is just as bad as suffering physically. Sometimes it can be worse. I’m NOT crazy… my brain just doesn’t work the way it should sometimes, just like our bodies don’t always work the way they should. If you suffer from a mental health issue, like I do, get help. And know that help can come in many forms. Counseling and homeopathy are a good place to start. Whatever you do, make a change for better health, and don’t do it alone!


  1. I had (I'm assuming) undiagnosed OCD when I was younger, and never realized it until watching a documentary and thinking "wait - other people are crazy too?" I never knew that it was an actual condition to feel like your life is in danger if you don't blink three times and turn in a circle before opening a door or refused to eat if the silverware was crossed over your plate. Don't know how I overcame it, but thank goodness I'm not afflicted anymore! How does the Sepia help?

    1. I'm so glad you've been able to overcome your OCD issues! It's not fun and the patterns are exhausting. I'm not exactly sure how the Sepia does it's thing, but it seems to do a few things for me. The most obvious is that it stopped the constant numbers. I take it 2 - 3 times each month. When it wears off, I get really grumpy and it's pretty abrupt. It kind of feels like everyone's sole purpose in life is to make me mad... Ridiculous, but I recognize it, so that helps. Within a few hours of taking the Sepia, my brain seems to reset and I'm back to "normal." I still have some OCD issues that I'm working on, but the Sepia helps tremendously. Dealing with the hormones has helped my anxiety level as well. I know other people that are taking different drops for severe depression, suicidal thoughts, and ADD. All have found significant relief. I can't stress enough how important it is for people to get help when determining what they need. Although these are over-the-counter items, they can profoundly affect people, so professional guidance is a must.
