Thursday, February 9, 2012

Peri-Menopause and Those Crazy Hormones
I come from a long line of women whose hormones go wacky early on. My grandmother had a hysterectomy at 40… because that was the general solution back in the day. My mother suffered for 17 years from the absurdity that is peri-menopause. And I joined the ranks when I turned 35. Fortunately, I had a clue as to what was going on. I started tracking my symptoms: tachycardia, hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog… brain fog… did I mention the brain fog? And there was the heavy bleeding that trapped me in my home for 1 to 2 days each month (if I was lucky enough to only get my period once a month). All of this was depressing, so naturally I became a grumpy, crazy person that no one wanted to be around.

My very sweet gynecologist and I tried everything. The pill turns me into Sybil, so we avoid those at all costs. The IUD had similar effects. She suggested a uterine ablation. It was a WONDERFUL little procedure that practically eliminated the bleeding altogether. Sadly, it didn’t help anything else. My gyno felt terrible that there was nothing more she knew how to do. My general practitioner suggested anti-depressants. Considering my symptoms were cyclical, I knew that wasn’t the answer.

Thankfully a friend of mine suggested that I see Dave at The Medicine Shoppe. Through Dave, I did a saliva hormone panel which measured my hormone levels for a month. With that, we discovered that my Progesterone levels are wacky. I have been using a Natural Progesterone Cream ever since. I have gone from barely functioning (literally – several days each month were spent on the couch just trying to meet the basic needs of my children) to feeling like a normal person again.

The moral of the story: Don’t suffer unnecessarily! Track your symptoms and keep seeking answers until you find a solution that works for you. You are NOT crazy! Hormones can be brutal and with each stage of life we enter into, they present new problems. So don’t suffer unnecessarily.

Please don’t hesitate to ask me questions… I’m an open book.

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