Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Food is Fuel… It is NOT My Friend

I have always had an unhealthy relationship with food. I began starving myself in 4th grade. I began binging and purging in high school. Somewhere along the way I discovered diet pills and laxatives. And then after I got married, I became lazy. (Sorry, honey.) I had tried most diets, but just hadn’t figured it out. But I vowed I would, so that I would NOT pass this insanity down to my children.

Last summer, while I was on a walk in the park with my kids, I had a realization. “Food is meant to be fuel. It is NOT my friend.” Of course, we have all heard this before. But for the first time in my life, I heard it with my soul. I knew that I needed to learn how to eat properly. And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing since.

I downloaded the MyFitnessPal App for my iPhone. (You can use it online if you don’t have a smartphone.) It’s amazing! I learned how many calories I should be consuming each day and how many calories different foods have. With a little common sense and some Google searches here and there, I have taught myself how to eat properly. 

The best part about the App is that it tracks your weight. I weigh in every day. I know there are different schools of thought on this, but it’s what works for me. It holds me accountable and it allows me the freedom to be a little less strict and make up the bad days quickly. I’ve lost over 20 lbs. (It varies depending on the day... and the holiday.) I’ve gone from a size 6-8 to a size 2-4. But best of all, I’m a lot healthier.

This is definitely a work in progress. In fact, two weeks ago I gave up my beloved Lean Pockets and replaced them with a healthy homemade black beans and rice recipe. I make it once a week and have quick, easy lunches throughout the week. And this past weekend I had a pity party and put anything that wasn’t tied down into my mouth. But I’m back on track and focused again.

We aren’t meant to deprive ourselves of sweets and carbs and the foods we enjoy. BUT we certainly are not meant to binge on them either. After all, food is fuel… it is not our friend.


  1. Thanks for that. Would you like to be friends on my fitness pal? I find having an accountability partner to be quite helpful for me, and I'm way off track right now!

    Stephanie F

    1. Absolutely! My id is ahschneider. Look me up :)
