Monday, October 15, 2012

Help, please…

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I have really been struggling lately. I have so much going on and I’m so overwhelmed that I’m having a hard time managing what I have to do: kindergarten & all that goes with it, volunteering at school, soccer, doing the books for our construction company, exercising (today was the first time in a month that I have time to workout), blogging and maintaining Something Uncomfortable, preparing for & pulling off birthdays and holidays in Schneiderland, being an engaged and present mom, being an engaged and present wife, being an engaged and present follower of Christ…

I mean, Friends, we have gotten to the point where my kids are begging me to play with them. That’s just NOT alright.

So I keep wondering and asking God, what can I get rid of? Honestly, I was thinking this whole blog and Something Uncomfortable thing was going to have to come to an end. Because, let’s face it, I can’t stop being a mom or wife or any of the other things on the list. And then on Saturday, I went to my nephew’s birthday party and met this wonderful woman who was excited to meet me because she heard me on the radio. For real? It was probably THE most flattering thing that has ever happened to me. And of course makes me think I’m supposed to keep this up.

So I decided to make time to exercise this morning – because it makes me feel better and I think more clearly. And I decided to humbly ask for help. Here’s what I need:

  • Please pray that God would give me clarity of mind, strength and direction.
  • Please give me some feedback. Are you benefiting from the blog posts? If so, which ones? Do you prefer the Something Uncomfortable daily updates? Deep thought posts? Daily re-runs? Etc? I need to evaluate what is most important and I need to know what you think so I can do that.
  • If you haven’t already, please connect with me on Facebook. Click this link and like the page. This one is totally selfish… My top love language is Words of Affirmation. I’m totally baring my soul to the world here and a simple “like” on Facebook would do a world of good for me. So if I have ever said something that has helped you or you think might be helpful to others, please like the page. (And by the way, admitting that is my something uncomfortable for the day.)

Life is good and so is God. And I’m exciting about regrouping and forging ahead. I hope you will continue on this journey with me!

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