Thursday, August 9, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 149

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If you have been with me from the beginning of this journey, you know about Henry, my 3-year-old daughter’s wart. You also know that her pediatrician originally said to leave it alone and it would likely go away… eventually. Well, Henry got married and had a baby.
A couple of months ago, Wendy showed up on my daughter’s other hand. After using over-the-counter meds and duct tape, my daughter had sores around Wendy and a baby wart, AYKM (Are You Kidding Me?). We haven’t done anything in approximately 4 weeks and Henry, Wendy and little AYKM, are growing out of control.
My husband has been telling me to have it looked at and so have the handful of people that have looked at our growing family. But I haven’t wanted to because I knew these 3 unwanted visitors would be sentenced to a painful death… painful for my baby girl.
Today, I caved and took her to the pediatrician. Sure enough, Henry, Wendy & AYKM received the death penalty. The doctor said we had 2 options: she could freeze them off in her office or we could go to the dermatologist where they might have some other topical solutions to try first. I voted for the dermatologist. My doctor thanked me because little people tend to hate her after she does it. Awesome.
I am now waiting to hear back as to when our appointment is. My husband will have to come with us because I will probably pass out, vomit or cry when they kill the intruders. Or I could do all three. And we will probably have to buy my daughter a pony after the ordeal, but whatever. I guess this is better than condemning my child to being known as the warty girl. UGH!
I have no question for you today that seems relevant… but I will ask you to please pray that Henry, Wendy & AYKM die painlessly and quickly. Thanks!

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