Friday, April 20, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 39
I would just like to thank God for bringing me through this uncomfortable journey. Had He not been doing so, today would have been a lot uglier than it was.

Due to the cold rain, I made the executive decision NOT to go on the bus ride with my daughter's FunShop class this morning. So we went on a date instead. We went to the candy store, to Target for a quick return, to Kohl's where she got to pick out a purse for me (I had Kohl's cash that expires tomorrow... I got a $48 purse for $9.50!), to Toys R Us where she bought a doll with her Easter money, and to the doughnut shop for her favorite donuts. Awesome, right?

As we were leaving, it happened... she didn't see the step and she landed square on her knees. I knew it was bad, but had no idea just how bad.

There is something very important that you need to understand about my daughter... this chick is tough. I mean, let you cut a sliver out of her foot while she watches with interest, tough. So when she complains about an injury, we listen. 

It took us 15 minutes to leave the parking lot (a wonderful man who works there came out to help with band aids and kind words.) We were late to pick up her brother from pre-school. I didn't follow the rules for parking because my daughter was hysterical. I had to carry her in. Of course, this was a day my son had a wet painting to bring home. As we were driving home, her wailing became worse. So I called Adam and told him he needed to come check this out.

Upon closer examination, we both agreed that her left knee looked pretty messed up and that it was swollen and hot. I called my parents and chiropractor and Adam called our friend who is a doctor. We all thought she was probably OK, but since the chiropractor agreed to look at it, we headed out the door.

30 minutes after she took Ibuprofen (so about 1 1/2 hours after the incident), she started to calm down. Did I mention this is the tough child? She NEVER cries like this. The chiropractor agreed that it looked messed up and since her kneecaps aren't done developing, he thought we better x-ray it just to be sure she hadn't cracked it. 

I'm happy to report that he did NOT find a break... Praise God! But let me tell you, this little monkey smacked the snot out of that thing! 

Clearly my day has not gone the way I had planned and now my daughter and I will be staying home from my son's soccer game (which means my husband will be driving him to it... we all know how I feel the need to be the one behind the wheel.) In spite of all of this, I'm not in the fetal position crying like a crazy person. And I haven't even taken any Anxiety Drops. I have to believe that my efforts to be uncomfortable every day are helping me to remain calm... OK, calmer... on days when the Earth tips off its axis.

So if you haven't started making yourself uncomfortable yet, you really might want to consider it.

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