Thursday, April 5, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 24

When my 3-year-old daughter woke up from her nap yesterday she began crying inconsolably. This was not surprising because her allergies have been acting up. At one point, while she was wailing, she threw her head back, dropped to her knees and collapsed on the floor. I asked her why she was crying. She said it was because she wanted to play on my phone... which she never asked to do. Who knows why she was crying about it? Clearly my sweet baby girl had turned into Sybil. Nice.

I went ahead and cancelled our playgroup for today. My friend and her son had planned to play with me and my two angelic children... I was pretty sure Sybil would have scared them into NEVER coming over again. Plus I'm only assuming it's allergies... but who knows? I hate cancelling. Thankfully my friend understood.

Sybil is still here today and apparently she is teaching my son the tricks of the trade. At one point she made the following statement: "I'm going to take my shoes off, sit on the couch and just be grumpy!" Awesome!!! Shortly after, my son proudly showed me that he had written his name ON the artwork table. I was NOT impressed.

But here it the VERY COOL thing... I haven't freaked out about any of it. Plans have changed and my children are seemingly possessed, and I'm just rolling with it. What?!?!?! I know, right? It's really weird. If I didn't know better, I would think I had been popping pills. The truth is that by forcing myself to be uncomfortable everyday, I am learning how to handle life's challenges better. I'm actually taking my thoughts captive and processing situations before reacting to them. AND I'm continuing to function through it all. CRAZY!

Sybil is calling from her bed... I guess that's all for now :)

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