Sunday, April 1, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 20

My husband has been working so much lately. We own a construction company and love it. BUT as small business owners, we know that when you have work... you work. Even if you are exhausted and haven't seen much of your family for a while. The pros outweigh the cons, but my poor husband looks like he needs a break.

After the party last night, we came home, put the kids to bed and went back to work. We stopped around 11:30. When I started talking about going to church this morning, Adam told me he just couldn't do it. I said that was totally fine, but internally felt guilty about not going. I tossed around the idea of going by myself, but just didn't feel like I was supposed to. Weird, right? Aren't we supposed to go to church?

I let Adam and the kids sleep in this morning. And while he spent some much needed time outside with the kiddos, I ran our Sunday errands... that we typically do after church.

When I got to Sam's Club, one of our favorite employees stopped me and asked when church services are going to be held on Good Friday and Easter. She has come to our church a couple of times before. We ended up talking about all sorts of God things for about 30 minutes. It was AMAZING! She is such a tenderhearted person. It was an honor to answer some questions for her and to give her some encouragement when she needed it. It was definitely a moment in time where we got to bless one another in different ways.

As I walked away, I was reminded of something very important: WE are the church. The building we worship God in is just a building. So today, when circumstances changed I didn't make it to the building for church, I got to bring the church to someone who couldn't be at the building either. Instead of being uncomfortable about my day not fitting into the "church" cookie cutter, I listened to the Holy Spirit and let Him guide me to where He needed the church to be. 

Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying we shouldn't go to church. We DO need to go for a multitude of reasons and going to church should be a priority. But if life happens and you don't make it on a particular weekend, ask God how YOU can be the church for someone around you. God is so amazing... isn't He?

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