Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 30
Today is Day 30 of my Something Uncomfortable challenge! Woohoo! Since it has been a month, I thought I would begin the process of tackling the second of my top three goals. Part of the uncomfortableness of this goal is telling you about it, so here goes:

I have a daily morning routine that I MUST follow every morning. I am not exactly sure what would happen if I didn't follow the routine, but I am certain that it would be horrible and that I, quite possibly, would die. No, seriously. Remember my "undiagnosed OCD?" This morning I made a slight deviation from that routine and I am happy to report that I did NOT die. Phew!

So did I meet my goal? Not quite. You see, the worst part of this routine involves my scale. I have to get the same reading from my scale three times... and then I have have to remove the batteries, and do it again. The second set of numbers can be different from the first, but I HAVE to have two sets of three matching numbers. (I might have just vomited a little in my mouth as I was typing that.) 

Before you start freaking out that I am being anorexic again, let me reassure you that this has NOTHING to do with my weight. It's all about the pattern and numbers. So what's the goal? I want to be able to not weigh myself. I have successfully funneled the majority of my OCD into this one freaky issue. Therefore, this is not going to be easy. Taking away the scale won't help. I will just find some other way to be neurotic. This is going to require some slow, methodological changes. I don't know how long it will take, but I will beat this. And now you will be holding me accountable to it... whether I like it or not.

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