Monday, April 30, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 49
Today has been one of those days. We made it to school just in time to find out that I had forgotten to bring a family picture for my son. So my daughter and I ran home and back. Which made us late for my allergy shot appointment. Upon arriving there, I realized that I had forgotten to take my antihistamine this morning... awesome.

You see, Mondays are our crazy days. We have also already been to the chiropractor, visited my grandmother, and showered the kids. And we have only made it to nap time... there is still more to come. So as you can imagine, throwing off the OCD lady's schedule, is not helpful.

I am happy to report that I have met today's challenges with only a mild amount of anxiety and NO tears. Why? Because I refuse to be comfortable in my anxieties. It's so much easier to fall apart at the seams because that's what I know and that's who I have condemned myself to be. It's harder to make the effort to truly change the core of my being, but it's worth it. The freedom that is coming with that change is proving to be well worth the effort.

Are you finding freedom or are you continuing to live the life you have condemned yourself to live?

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