Saturday, May 12, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 61

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So I planned to tell you about how my husband took the kids to go Mother's Day shopping this morning and I walked from my house to the park (about 4 miles). All sorts of uncomfortable involved in that. But while on my walk, the funniest, awesomest (OK, it's not a word) and uncomfortable thing happened, so we'll focus on that. 

Before I left for my walk, I had to talk myself out of bringing money with in case I happened upon a garage sale. We are trying to get out of debt and really don't need to buy anything that is not a necessity. I did not walk past any garage sales, so there were no temptations... Yay!

About a mile from home, I came across this:

It's a Jeep jogging stroller that is in excellent condition. And it was FREE!!!! Do I NEED another stroller? No. But I was giddy from the excitement of such an amazing garbage pick, that I didn't care.

As I started to walk home pushing the lovely prize, I realized that I was pushing an empty stroller. I had about a mile to go and we (the stroller and I) had to cross a major intersection. AWKWARD!

Someone even made an unsolicited comment about me losing something. Uncomfortable? Um, yes. Still totally amazing? Absolutely!

What silly thing(s) bring you joy even though they make you feel uncomfortable?

1 comment:

  1. Apparently I miscalculated. It was close to 6 miles which makes me much happier about my time :)
