Monday, May 28, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 77

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At church yesterday, Jake talked about how unresolved anger can cause us to lash out at people around us. Duh - Right? But he also challenged us to try to figure out the original cause of such anger and deal with it. OK, maybe I should listen... I always think it's funny how I think I know everything until I hear it presented in a new way. This is why it's important to always be listening. You never know when God might be speaking to you.

This morning I realized that I am violently angry with someone I know about something that does NOT affect me directly. What in the world? So I thought, "OK, Jake, let's give this a try."

After retracing my footsteps - or my anger - I realized that I am mad because of our debt. I'm mad at myself because we have so much debt due to poor choices that I made when I was young. And I'm mad at God because He won't fix it.

You see we faithfully tithe and have throughout our marriage. And we went out on a limb, trusting God, when I quit my job, went back to school and entered full-time ministry. We have drastically cut back our spending and even just cancelled satellite TV. So what gives, God? Don't you think you could help us dig our way out of this already?

Well the truth is, that I don't always give with a cheerful heart. And God gave me the free gift of salvation by sacrificing His Son on the cross. Pretty sure He doesn't owe me a thing. And no matter how hard I try, I can never match the sacrifice He made. So there's really nothing to be mad at God about.

There are consequences to the choices we make. The consequences to poor financial decisions is debt. We have had people in the financial world look at our situation. The result is always the same... they have NO CLUE how the numbers add up. Want to know why? Because God is in control!!! How can I be mad at Him for keeping us afloat when it's our fault that we should be sinking?

So per Jake's suggestion, I am taking some uncomfortable steps today... I am cancelling the debt with the fringe person that makes me mad. I've confessed my poor attitude to my husband. I've realized God doesn't owe me a thing. And I'm excited about the weight that has been lifted off of my shoulders. 

Who are you angry at for no good reason? What debt do you need to forgive?

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