Friday, May 25, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 74

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There are a couple of "areas" in my world that seem to overwhelm me on a regular basis. One such area is the kitchen. I love to bake and I enjoy cooking healthy foods for myself and my family. HOWEVER, there are times when I walk into the kitchen, think about the next cooking task and want to collapse on the floor weeping. Why? Who knows, really? It's just one of the things that triggers my anxiety.

Until about a year ago (when I started to really work on my hormone situation), this happened more days than not. We ate out A LOT and threw out food that I just couldn't get to in time. So wasteful and so sad.

I was supposed to make chicken nuggets last night for dinner. I cut and soaked them yesterday after lunch. When my neck went out again, I knew I couldn't finish them last night. I figured they would be fine to soak until lunch today.

10 minutes before I was supposed to start on them today, I received a phone call. 20 minutes after I was supposed to start them, I got off the phone. The anxiety and dread came on quickly. I wanted to throw out the chicken and the corn on the cob and make PB & J. Do you have any idea how many cobs of corn I have thrown out because I just can't bring myself to cook them? It's embarrassing.

Fortunately, the shame of wasting food overcame the anxiety and I was able to make the lunch. The great thing is that I made enough nuggets to freeze for 3 dinners. I try to save things like the frozen nuggets for those overwhelming kitchen moments.

Chicken Nugget Assembly Line
I don't always win these battles. But I'm happy to report that today, I forced myself to be uncomfortable and faced the anxiety head on.

They are delicious - SO MUCH BETTER than store-bought. And the best part is: I actually know what's in them.

What overwhelms you to the point of not doing it?

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