Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 9

This morning, my daughter asked if we could play at the park near my son's preschool after we picked him up. I immediately thought, "Since I'm such a reckless and spontaneous person... of course." Actually, I ran through the day's schedule in my mind and decided nothing was more important than making my kids' day. So off we went.

And then I saw it... the giant yellow slide of death. I totally forgot about that thing when I was patting myself on the back for going with the flow. You see, I'm TERRIFIED of heights. Shocking, I know, but oh so true. Just looking at this thing make me nervous and I get dizzy if I watch the kids climb it... no, really. I mean look at this thing...

So what would any irrationally terrified mom of two little people do? In the past, I have successfully kept my kids off of that thing. What did I do today? I let them climb up it and ride down. They didn't die (and neither did the even smaller kid whom I don't know that is featured in the picture.) I'm surprised I didn't need oxygen, but overall, I held it together. Phew!

Now I'm off to make cookies. Why? Not because I planned to nor because I have time to, but because my son asked me to. And I'm living on the edge today, so why not? 

Are you living on the edge and getting out of your box? I hope so. It's a bit painful, but so far, it's been well worth it. Just ask my kids.

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