Friday, June 8, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 88

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I took my son to the eye doctor a few weeks ago for his kindergarten exam. While I was there, I mentioned it had been 3 years since I had been in. The doctor told me it was time to make an appointment. Ugh! My appointment was this morning.

I dread going to the eye doctor. Frankly, I would rather go to the dentist and I don’t particularly enjoy those visits either. Why am I not a fan? Have you had your eyes dilated? Or shall we talk about that yellow eye numbing liquid that I swear is satan’s urine? And really, is there anything creepier than having someone TOUCH your eyeball? But whatever… I have fish eyes and have to have them looked at from time to time. (My eyes don’t naturally bring the left and right pictures together. You can’t see it if you look at me, but essentially I have fish eyes.)
I have to wear glasses. I can’t wear contacts because the fish eyes required a vertical prism. The vertical prism is too heavy and would roll in a contact, so it’s glasses or a lot of headaches. Who could make this stuff up?
So my doctor… who really is wonderful… said my prescription is slightly different. BUT I’m not having any problems with my current glasses, so I don’t have to get new ones right now. Awesome, right?

Here’s the thing: I wear the same glasses every day and have had this pair for 3 years. Getting a new pair would be really nice. But we just cancelled satellite TV because we are trying to get out of debt. My glasses are super expensive (of course they are… I have fish eyes) and I don’t want to spend the money right now. But I would love a change. And so began the uncomfortable decision…

I have NEVER been to an eye appointment without picking out a new pair of glasses… until today. I decided that I really do like my glasses. In fact, I get complemented on them all the time. And getting out of debt so we can move into a house that is closer to a better high school, is WAY more important than my vanity. It’s hard to change the way we think about things, but putting life into perspective is helpful.

What do you need to put into perspective in order to make a good decision?

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