Saturday, June 16, 2012

Our Friend Was Dating a Serial Rapist: Installment #6
What the Cops Found

By the time we got to the house, what was already a mess had turned into a nightmare. Pete was found “passed out” on the bathroom floor with a gun next to him and pills strewn all about. And so the girls called an ambulance.

We filled Ashley in on what had happened the night before. And I told the cops as soon as they showed up. They told me to head to the hospital to have a rape kit done and to file a police report.

So we headed to the ER… the same ER to which the ambulance was taking Pete.

The ER

I called my mom when we got there and told her what had happened. She got in her car and started the 3 hour drive to get to me.

And then Ashley and I told the ER staff that I had been sexually assaulted. 

They proceeded to perform a rape kit on me. The process of collecting samples is humiliating and degrading, but necessary if you want to press charges. And believe me, I wanted to press charges. 

After telling the rape counselor and the police officer the events from the night before, they assured me that they believed me. They also told me that it would be really difficult to prove because I had been drinking. (So glad I hadn’t told the police officer the night before because I would have been the one who was hauled off to jail.) Awesome.

The night before, Pete kept apologizing for raping me. And since he tried to kill himself, maybe we could go ahead and get him to confess. Right? So I went stomping across the ER to confront him. 

**On a side note: TIMES HAVE CHANGED! And so have the laws surrounding sexual assault. If you have been raped, don’t let my story discourage you from seeking justice… even if you were drunk. I will post the current laws and where you can find help at the end of this process.

Previous Installments:
Installment #2
Installment #3 
Installment #4
Installment #5



  1. You WILL NOT be turned away if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs while sexually assaulted. It is so common that perpetrators try to use this to their advantage and intentionally either get a victim drunk(as seen in Heather's case) or target someone who is already drunk as a victim. A rape kit is crucial in gathering DNA in order to prosecute perpetrators (the state will prosecute). If you are underage what has happened to you is so much bigger of an issue than you drinking prematurely. You do no have to go through it alone, and it is no way your fault. Just because you are drunk does not give someone the right to take advantage of you. And if you are drunk you can NOT give consent for sex because you are not in the right state of mind. If someone's house was robbed while they were drunk inside would it be their fault? No. Just because you are drunk does not give someone the right to come in and steal from you.

    1. Again, things were VERY different 20 years ago. It is amazing the progress that has been made in that time. The fact that the state and rape crisis centers will now fight on the behalf of the victim is such a blessing. So if you are a victim, go to the hospital and let them help you pursue justice.

      This is also a great warning for men. Listen to what the woman is telling you and keep it in your pants if she has been drinking or drugging. A five minute encounter is NOT worth your freedom. And it's not worth emotionally scarring someone for the rest of their life.
