Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our Friend Was Dating a Serial Rapist: Installment #10
The Laws Today

As I’ve been researching the current laws regarding rape, I found that there is not a lot of consistency. Laws vary from state to state.

“Definitions of "rape" vary, and though rape is usually dependent upon on whether or not consent was present during the act,[1][2][3][4] the term "consent" varies as well. Minors, for example, are often considered too young to consent to sexual relations with older persons (see statutory rape and age of consent).[4] Consent is also considered invalid if obtained under duress, or from a person who does not have the ability to understand the nature of the act, due to factors such as young age, mental disability, or substance intoxication.[4]?
What I think is important to know is that it is NOT OK for someone to touch another person in an unwanted or inappropriate way. And if you have been a victim of a sexual crime, know that there are laws to protect you and there ARE people who will fight for you. Go to the hospital or to the police. Call a rape crisis center. Have these resources start the process of getting you the help you need to heal and to stop your attacker from hurting you or anyone else again.

Please Share As You Feel Led

If my story has helped you in any way, or if you know someone who would benefit from reading it, please share it. I firmly believe that God won’t waste a hurt if you let Him use it.

I pray that sharing my story will empower victims to stand up to their attackers. That it will help people make better decisions in an effort to keep themselves safe. That it will encourage everyone to stand up for what is right… always. And that it will prompt victims to seek the healing they need and deserve.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

Previous Installments:
Installment #2
Installment #3 
Installment #4
Installment #5
Installment #6
Installment #7 
Installment #8


  1. Heather, I was moved by your story and am grateful that you were willing to tell it. Most people have no clue how widespread sexual assault is and how under-reported it is. I've been dealing with these cases for over 30 years and I still am shocked by the number of jurors and parents of victims who disclose that they were victims. Perpetrators count on shame and silence. So, thank you for taking your story public.

    1. Thanks Sheryl! And thank you for all you have done to fight for justice all these years!

  2. Heather, thanks for being so transparent. People need to hear more redemption stories. I have my own but a different version. I will be blogging it eventually in my blog stories.

    1. Thanks Annette! Praying for you when you share your story on your blog.
