Friday, June 1, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 81

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I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that my son is starting kindergarten in the fall (sniff, sniff). We went to the kindergarten preview night a couple of months ago. Since then we have gotten his eye exam and we've been to the dentist.

And of course I have had nightmares... literally wake-up-in-a-panic-nightmares... about registration. You see, they told us what to get, but they never told us what to do with it once we got it. And they never really said how the registration process works. If they did, both Adam and I missed it.

So this morning, I phoned the school district. I actually called the number on the form the school gave us that was labeled as the number to call regarding registration questions. That lady told me I needed to call our school. I called the number she gave me... several times. No one picked up. Seriously?!?! Do these people not understand that for me, making a phone call is more than a little uncomfortable?

Not being able to complete an uncomfortable task was unbearable. So I asked my Facebook friends if they had the answers. And while I was waiting, I emailed the school district. FB was helpful... still nothing from the school district.

UGH! I know that I am an overanxious person normally. Couple that with sending my first baby to kindergarten and I'm a big hot mess. Instead of working myself up into a complete tizzy over the matter, I made the phone calls. At least I'm moving in the right direction.

Does the anticipation of unknown/new events make you nervous? What have you been putting off doing because you are too nervous to deal with it?

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