Monday, April 30, 2012

No Room for Error

...that's how I would describe my schedule. I am a stay-at-home-mom with a three-year-old daughter and a five-year-old son. I also do the books for my husband's construction company. My son is in preschool and plays soccer. My daughter and I attend FunShop once a week. We all go to zoo school twice each month and we attend one playgroup every other week and just joined another weekly one. Did I mention small group? And in spite of my many other obligations, my people like to eat on a regular basis, live in a clean (OK sort of clean) home, and wear clean underwear every day. My life is super busy and I am constantly trying to get something done. I'm sure many of you can relate.

By the end of the week, going to church turns into something on my To Do List. Frankly, it becomes a seemingly unnecessary thing on that list. I mean after all, I read my Bible on my iPhone in the dark in my bed before I start my day. I pray throughout the day by myself and with the kids. We fellowship with other Christians on a regular basis and God provides countless creative ministry opportunities for me each week. What is the big deal if I miss going to church?

I'm not sure that there it is a big deal if we miss church (hang on, keep reading). What IS a big deal is that my busyness has become my excuse for not wanting to go. And if you think about it, that's really not a good enough excuse. 

Going to church is not just about what I get out of it. It's about being a part of corporate worship. It's about raising my children in a church family and allowing other Christians to lovingly pour into their lives. It's about being available for God to use me in the lives of other people. 

For the last three weeks, I have dreaded going on Sunday mornings because I need a day off. And each Sunday, God has blessed me in an unexpected way. This Sunday, we pulled into the parking lot as a dear friend was parking her car. Her husband was out of town, but she brought the kids to church anyway. She and her kids met us with huge smiles because they were so excited to be at church with their friends. You see, they attend semi-regularly so her kids are still feeling the place out. My sweet friend kept insisting that our being there was such a "God-thing." Little did she know that it took every ounce of energy my husband and I could muster to get there. It really was a God-thing!

At some point yesterday afternoon, I moved "going to church" off of my mental To Do List and onto my Not Negotiable List. And I reluctantly said I would have to miss a playgroup this week in order to allow for a little room for error. Because Friends, I'm done being too tired to go to church.

What do you need to move to your Non Negotiable List? Are you allowing room for error in your busy week? And are you allowing yourself to be available so God can use you to love on someone else?

**To be clear: I love my church and personally get a lot out of the messages and worship. My wanting to skip strictly comes from being exhausted.

Something Uncomfortable: Day 49
Today has been one of those days. We made it to school just in time to find out that I had forgotten to bring a family picture for my son. So my daughter and I ran home and back. Which made us late for my allergy shot appointment. Upon arriving there, I realized that I had forgotten to take my antihistamine this morning... awesome.

You see, Mondays are our crazy days. We have also already been to the chiropractor, visited my grandmother, and showered the kids. And we have only made it to nap time... there is still more to come. So as you can imagine, throwing off the OCD lady's schedule, is not helpful.

I am happy to report that I have met today's challenges with only a mild amount of anxiety and NO tears. Why? Because I refuse to be comfortable in my anxieties. It's so much easier to fall apart at the seams because that's what I know and that's who I have condemned myself to be. It's harder to make the effort to truly change the core of my being, but it's worth it. The freedom that is coming with that change is proving to be well worth the effort.

Are you finding freedom or are you continuing to live the life you have condemned yourself to live?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 48
It's the Sabbath... don't work. Instead take time to praise the Lord for the many blessings in your life and allow Him to mold you into the person He created you to be. Let's all do something a little uncomfortable today. May He bless you and yours immeasurably today!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 47
Today was the last day of our 3-day garage sale. I'm exhausted, but it was well worth the effort. We got rid of a bunch of stuff and made a fair bit of money.

My something uncomfortable happened over the course of the three days. If you are a garage sale person you know about the antique dealers and the complainers:
  • The antique dealers come early and get angry if you know what your antiques are worth and charge accordingly. They are angry because they can't buy it for a song and then sell it in their stores for the same price you have it listed for in your garage sale.
  • The complainers, much like the antique dealers, get angry if you have the nerve to charge more than a quarter for anything.
As I encountered each of these types people this weekend, I wanted nothing more than to say something like, "I have every right to charge whatever I want, just like you have the right to not buy anything at my sale. So kindly shut your mouth or leave." One antique dealer actually swore at me. I wanted to whip out my old Chicago-curse-like-a-sailor vocabulary... but I restrained myself. I restrained myself each time, because I knew I that was what I should do... and was therefore, uncomfortable. 

I wish that I could tell you that I let it go and moved on. But that is clearly not the case since I'm still stewing a bit about it. And I might have whined about it to a few of my friends and family... and on Facebook... and now I'm telling you. BUT in the moment (EVERY moment that it happened), I did not verbally accost them. So that's a step in the right direction. Right?

We will have another garage sale in the fall. I am officially making the goal to NOT complain about the complainers. This could be interesting.

Who drives you nuts that you need to learn to deal with better? How do you move past those enraging moments?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 46
Today was Day #2 of our garage sale. I LOVE garage sales! I'm exhausted, but it was a good day.

Today was also my son's field trip to the zoo and his soccer game. I had to miss both because I had to man my post at the sale. This was terribly uncomfortable for me, because I try to be the mom that doesn't miss anything. And in the past, I probably would have insisted that something was skipped.

The thing that was so very cool about the whole situation today, was that my husband got to stay home from work and be Daddy all day. That never happens. What a blessing for all of them. I'm sure it is a day they won't forget.

I love when my being uncomfortable means that my family is blessed immeasurably.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 45
Last week, I offered to have our new playgroup over to play today. I thought I might be pushing things a bit because we are having our semi-annual garage sale this weekend. Then we decided to try opening the garage sale up for a couple of hours tonight. I know, I know, this sounds insane even for the not-so-neurotic folks out there.

Somehow, everything has come together. And we had a glorious time this morning... with the new people... at my house. Who am I?!?! I am a slightly uncomfortable, but incredibly blessed person, that's who!

And now, my friends, I get to put my Lowe's apron on and change from Anxiety Girl in the Garage Sale Queen (as my friend keeps calling me.) I'm soooooo excited! 

We are only four days into the week and I've dealt with some of my biggest fears. How have you been uncomfortable this week?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 44
We had a playdate at the park this morning. One of our friends brought her dog. I am not the biggest fan of dogs (there was an incident with a German Shepperd when I was little). This dog is truly a sweet dog, so I was in no way bothered that he was there. My daughter, on the other hand, was terrified.

My clan has it's share of allergies, so the general rule of thumb has been: don't touch the animals. If we are with them and can easily wash the kids' hands, we bend that rule. Sadly, my daughter's internal interpretation of this rule has been: Dogs are vile, terrifying beasts that must be avoided at all costs! Sigh! We have never wanted our kids to be afraid of animals, just cautious of them.

This morning, after several shrill screams, my friend suggested that my daughter come and touch the dog in order to see that he was nice. My daughter would have rather eaten pickled pigs' feet than touch the beast. 

In an instant, I realized that I needed to touch the dog. My avoiding them because of my allergies has clearly been misunderstood by my child. So I pet the dog and even let him lick my hand. Poor guy was probably thinking, "See lady, I'm not so bad." 

I wish I could tell you that my daughter rushed over and pet the dog. Instead she continued to look at me like I had lost my mind. But that's OK. It's taking me some time to work on my issues. I don't expect the three-year-old to conquer her greatest fear instantaneously. I'm guessing there will be some more dog-petting in my near future. The things we do for our babies ;)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 43
Guess what I did today... or rather, guess what I did NOT do today. I haven't weighed myself all day! I can't believe that I can honestly say that.

I made the decision last night to make today the big day. I was completely nervous about it and didn't trust myself not to give in. So I sabotaged the ritual by grabbing a glass of water right after I brushed my teeth. I'm sure all of the girls out there will agree that the best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning, after you've gone to the bathroom, while completely naked. (What? Tell me I'm wrong.) By drinking water, I knew whatever numbers I got would be completely inaccurate and not worth going back on my goal.

I'm not going to lie to you. I've been thinking about weighing myself several times today. But the thought that keeps coming louder and stronger is this: Today I chose not to start my day in bondage. Today I chose to be free from the start. 

This has not just been about my OCD and anxieties. This has been about me being in bondage. And when we live in bondage, we can't fully experience our freedom in Christ. And when we don't fully experience our freedom in Christ, we allow satan to stop us from being Christ's light into the world. 

Will I weigh myself tomorrow? Honestly, I don't know. If it doesn't feel like a trap... perhaps. But the one thing I know for certain is that I will never be able to step on a scale again without asking first myself if I am doing it as satan's puppet or as God's child.

**Just a note: I purposely do not capitalize satan's name... EVER. I don't think he deserves the respect that it signifies.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 42
As I got ready this morning, I thought about what could possibly make me uncomfortable today? We had a fairly normal Monday planned. I kind of thought I might have to get creative about being uncomfortable. I should have known that the very mundane day I had planned would prove to have it's own challenges.

Of course, nothing has gone as planned today. So I've been running late all day. What should one expect when you are running late? Slow drivers. I am NOT exaggerating when I tell you that every time I have been in the car today, I have ended up behind someone who was going between 5 and 10 miles UNDER the speed limit. And each time, I was stuck with no way to get around them. It really made me wonder if there was a national protest against the speed limit happening... but whatever.

I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and was taught the fine art of road rage by my father. OK my mom was pretty good at it too... sorry Mom ;) 

Through the years, I have tried to explain to my husband just how bad it was. He didn't believe me until one occasion when he had the pleasure of riding with my dad. Some woman cut him off. At the light, my dad threw the car into park and announced colorfully that he was going to tell her what a bad driver she was. No, I'm not kidding. And neither was he. I thought Adam might pass out. Fortunately, I was able to talk my dad down before he got out of the car. (I told him that none of us would bail him out of jail, because he would surely be arrested if he approached the woman.) 

All this to say that my initial internal reaction to the insanity I was surrounded with today, was to scream through the window at the drivers. I did not do that. Instead, each time it happened I reminded myself that these people did not wake up this morning and decide that this was going to be the day that they made Heather Schneider's life more difficult. AND if I was late to any of our appointments, it would not be their fault. Life just happens sometimes.

I can't imagine how much time and energy I have wasted on being angry at people for things they weren't really doing to me. Every time we get angry we stress our bodies and minds out. Why do that unnecessarily? There are plenty of legitimate things to be upset about... Is the way other people drive one of them? What will happen if you arrive late to something? You might be embarrassed or have to wait longer for a service, but you won't die. Being a little inconvenienced hardly seems worth being angry, does it?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 41
I have officially decided that there will be no blogging on Sundays. It's the Sabbath and it's Family Day at the Schneider House, so no more blogging for me on Sundays.

This makes me uncomfortable because I like consistency (remember the OCD). But what is amazing about technology is that I can schedule a post to be released on Sunday... How awesome is that? So this is me writing on Saturday about the looming uncomfortableness of not writing on Sunday. 

I hope you take the time to rest today... but try to be a little uncomfortable while you are doing it.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 40
For the third time this week, someone came to my door... and I opened it. Yay me! It's funny, because I have been dodging the door for so long that I didn't realize how big of a deal it is to me. 

I stopped answering the door back when I was a latch-key kid. The neighborhood kids would terrorize me by ding-dong-ditching my house when they knew I was alone. Kids can be so cruel, can't they? 

Do you ever try to figure out what your personality flaws stem from? I can't help myself. I ruminate over most things. But it really is helpful. Not the ruminating, but figuring out the source of the problem. It's kind of like looking for the monsters in the closet with a flashlight. When you see the reality of the situation, it's easier to deal with your fears.

So I challenge you to grab a flashlight and open the closet door... 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 39
I would just like to thank God for bringing me through this uncomfortable journey. Had He not been doing so, today would have been a lot uglier than it was.

Due to the cold rain, I made the executive decision NOT to go on the bus ride with my daughter's FunShop class this morning. So we went on a date instead. We went to the candy store, to Target for a quick return, to Kohl's where she got to pick out a purse for me (I had Kohl's cash that expires tomorrow... I got a $48 purse for $9.50!), to Toys R Us where she bought a doll with her Easter money, and to the doughnut shop for her favorite donuts. Awesome, right?

As we were leaving, it happened... she didn't see the step and she landed square on her knees. I knew it was bad, but had no idea just how bad.

There is something very important that you need to understand about my daughter... this chick is tough. I mean, let you cut a sliver out of her foot while she watches with interest, tough. So when she complains about an injury, we listen. 

It took us 15 minutes to leave the parking lot (a wonderful man who works there came out to help with band aids and kind words.) We were late to pick up her brother from pre-school. I didn't follow the rules for parking because my daughter was hysterical. I had to carry her in. Of course, this was a day my son had a wet painting to bring home. As we were driving home, her wailing became worse. So I called Adam and told him he needed to come check this out.

Upon closer examination, we both agreed that her left knee looked pretty messed up and that it was swollen and hot. I called my parents and chiropractor and Adam called our friend who is a doctor. We all thought she was probably OK, but since the chiropractor agreed to look at it, we headed out the door.

30 minutes after she took Ibuprofen (so about 1 1/2 hours after the incident), she started to calm down. Did I mention this is the tough child? She NEVER cries like this. The chiropractor agreed that it looked messed up and since her kneecaps aren't done developing, he thought we better x-ray it just to be sure she hadn't cracked it. 

I'm happy to report that he did NOT find a break... Praise God! But let me tell you, this little monkey smacked the snot out of that thing! 

Clearly my day has not gone the way I had planned and now my daughter and I will be staying home from my son's soccer game (which means my husband will be driving him to it... we all know how I feel the need to be the one behind the wheel.) In spite of all of this, I'm not in the fetal position crying like a crazy person. And I haven't even taken any Anxiety Drops. I have to believe that my efforts to be uncomfortable every day are helping me to remain calm... OK, calmer... on days when the Earth tips off its axis.

So if you haven't started making yourself uncomfortable yet, you really might want to consider it.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 38
We had to be at the allergist at 8:30 this morning. As I was brushing my teeth, I felt compelled to write this blog post about my abortion experience. I didn't have time to write it, but there was definitely a sense of urgency about the whole thing. So I wrote it. 

I have publicly spoken about my abortion on several occasions. It's not my favorite thing to do, but the sting is gone. So you can imagine my surprise when I wanted to hurl as I wrote the post. I spoke before a Committee for the House of Representatives, so it's already a matter of public record. But there is something very different and uncomfortable about posting it online.

People have been more than supportive with their kind words. And even a couple have shared it with their friends (which is truly humbling). From all of this I keep coming back to one key thought: it wasn't for nothing. My child did not die for nothing. I honor her memory by being uncomfortable and sharing our story. 

Abortion is NOT a black and white issue. Perhaps by putting a face to the statistics or to the heavily debated issue, people might judge less and love more. Teach by loving and helping rather than by hating and ostracizing.

Someone recently asked why I share my uglies with perfect strangers. Today, I realized the answer: because no one wants to be alone. That's why broken people go to support groups and group therapy. And that's why broken people run into the arms of Jesus. 

You are not alone.

My Testimony Before the House of Representatives About Abortion

I woke up this morning feeling compelled to share this with you. Perhaps it's because it's an election year or perhaps someone just really needs to hear it. Whatever the reason, here we go.

This was the testimony I gave before the Human Services Committee in 2004. The bill did not pass, but I learned a lot from the experience. There is nothing black and white about abortion, although we would like to pretend there is. What we need to remember is that there are REAL people involved who are experiencing situations that we do not understand. We should not be quick to judge because we never know what hand may be dealt us. To be clear, I have never been comfortable with either side of the issue...

Testimony in front of the Human Services Committee
Regarding House Bill 4643 – Creates a Woman’s Right to Know Act (Informed Consent)
Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mr. Chairperson and members of the Committee, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my testimony with you.

On December 17, 1993, after having positive results on a home pregnancy test, I went to the Planned Pregnancy center in Springfield. A urine pregnancy test confirmed my pregnancy. The date of my last period before the test was October 25, 1993. I was 19, my boyfriend was 17 and I was scared.

Upon receiving the positive test results, I burst into tears. I had a full-tuition academic scholarship, my relationship with my parents was shaky and my boyfriend was still in high school. The “Family-Planning Specialist/Counselor” assured me that this problem could be taken care of and proceeded to give me a list of abortion clinics in Illinois. 

I left Planned Parenthood and met my boyfriend. I told him I was pregnant and showed him the information I received from the counselor. We decided to have an abortion. He phoned the Champaign clinic and scheduled an appointment for a day following the Christmas holiday. We were to arrive at 8:45 with $330 in cash. They did not accept checks.

The day of the appointment was the scariest day of my life. We arrived at the clinic at the appointed time. After registering, they promptly took our money and asked us to take a seat. It was like waiting in line at a funeral home. The tension in the air was so thick that it was suffocating. 

I was taken into a room where my pregnancy was confirmed. I then had an ultrasound. I was never asked if I wanted to see the screen. Instead, the technician turned the screen toward her at an angle that prevented me from seeing anything. Next, I was sent to a counselor who wanted to make sure I wanted to proceed. She never told me that I might experience psychological trauma later in life. She simply wanted to have me sign one more piece of paper.

Finally, I was taken into the room where the procedure would take place. I was administered the “you won’t remember the procedure” drug. It was in the procedure room that I met the doctor for the first time. I never saw the doctor again once the procedure was over. 

When it was over, my boyfriend and I were sent out the back door and were told to go to the emergency room if I experienced any complications. I knew before we left the parking lot that this had been a bad idea. I did not fully comprehend the magnitude of the psychological consequences I would face, but it did not take long for them to begin.

I need to tell you that I was not raised in the Church. In fact, I was strong in my Pro-Choice beliefs. I did not believe that anyone had the right to tell me what I could or could not do with my body. What I did not know was that I did not have all of the information I needed to make an informed choice. 

My boyfriend broke up with me shortly after the abortion. I do not believe either of us could deal with what we had done. Subsequently, I spent many years drowning my pain in alcohol and substance abuse. I also believed that no man would ever truly love me because I had had an abortion, so I proceeded to attempt to feed my need for love through promiscuous activity.

It was not until I began a relationship with the Lord that any healing took place. Many years of denial ended with several years of counseling. I found healing through the forgiveness of my Lord. He has also blessed me with an amazing husband. The sad thing is that every time I think I have finally truly moved past the pain, another layer of the onion is peeled away.

Last year, I went to my sister’s first ultrasound appointment. It was the first time I saw the screen. As I looked at my unborn nephew, I realized the enormity of what I had done. I would venture to guess that I will face even greater pain when my husband and I attempt to get pregnant and are successful for the first time. The core of the pain will probably never completely go away.

I come before you today not because I am a Bible-beating fanatic, nor because I am looking to ban abortions. I come before you today because I do not want another woman to come to me crying and stating that she did not know. Based on who I am today and the scientific knowledge I have been exposed to, I would venture to guess that I would have likely made a different decision had House Bill 4643 been in effect in 1993. If someone had shown me pictures of the fetus in the womb or if someone had told me that there were potential physical and psychological consequences that could take their toll on my life, I probably would have taken my chances as a single teenage mother. 

I simply do not understand why this bill would be opposed by the Pro-Choice movement. We live in a state that values education. I would hope that we value women enough to educate them in the choices they make that affect their physical and emotional health. 

Before I had my wisdom teeth pulled, I was shown a video, given written information, consulted by a physician and a nurse, and then made an appointment to come back in a week. I jumped through more hoops to have teeth removed then I did to terminate my pregnancy. I have encountered many women who have sought counseling to cope with an abortion, but I have yet to encounter anyone who has sought counseling for a tooth extraction. It simply does not make sense.

I merely want to offer the women of Illinois the information I believe they have a right to before they make their choice. I implore you to consider this bill as an opportunity to improve the physical and psychological health of the women in this state.

**I have since been blessed with two beautiful children. And yes, it saddens me to think that I missed out on the joy of raising my aborted child. However, I not longer feel shame for the decision we made because I know with certainty, that my child is in heaven with the God who loves me. I look forward to meeting her one day.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 37
As you know by now, new people and social situations make me nervous. When you combine new people with social situations, you can almost guarantee that I will have a panic attack. So when a friend messaged me on Monday inviting me to join a new playgroup, you would think my immediate response would be to start crying... right? Not so much. I accepted the invitation and was actually looking forward to it.

My daughter and I went this morning and had a wonderful time. We met 2 lovely families and got to hang out with one we already know. It was such a blessing and I'm looking forward to doing it again next week (at my house, during garage sale week - I'm living on the edge here people!)

I'm not going to lie to you, I DID take some Anxiety Drops before we went. But the key is that we went. The lesson is that we need to use the tools we have to overcome our hangups so that God can bless us and we can bless others. He is so good!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Something Uncomfortable: Day 36
What do you do when you see a solicitor coming to your door? I usually tell the kids to hit the floor and we hide. No, I'm not kidding. This really doesn't surprise you, does it?

I am happy to report that we did not hide today. Not only did we not hide, but I answered the door. And I am so glad I did. This poor woman is just starting as a financial adviser and was going door-to-door to try and drum up some business. She looked terrified and was clearly thankful to be speaking to someone who was not mad at her. She asked for my name so she could mail me a thank you card... clearly she has to report back to the home office. I thought I would help, so I gave it to her.

It's so easy to be irritated when telemarketers call or when solicitors stop by. My experience today was a good reminder that these people are just trying to do their jobs. Their goal is not to ruin my day, but rather to feed their families. I'm glad that by allowing myself to be uncomfortable, I helped someone else be  a little less uncomfortable.

Monday, April 16, 2012

I Almost Died 14 Years Ago
But before we get to that... six years earlier I was raped (shortly after I graduated from high school in 1992).

Obviously, rape never ends well. Girls typically do one of 2 things: they either never want to have sex again or they attempt to sleep with as many people as possible in an effort to “prove” they are not broken. Unfortunately, I chose the latter of the two options. I thought I was being tough about it, but deep down I knew I was a lonely girl who was so desperate to find someone to love her. 

I slept with a lot of men over the next several years and often drank and drugged my way into oblivion. The odds were obviously not in my favor. First I learned I had herpes, then I learned I had HPV. Did I get the STDs that are easily cured? Of course not! I got 2 of the ones that are incurable and that can kill you.

That's right, AIDS is NOT the only STD that can kill you! And these days, if you are having sex, you don’t have much of a chance of not catching something.

So you say, “Well I use condoms so I’m safe.” Not according to the CDC, “Genital ulcer diseases can occur in both male and female genital areas that are covered or protected by a latex condom, as well as in areas that are not covered. Correct and consistent use of latex condoms can reduce the risk of genital herpes.” Did you catch that? You can get herpes EVEN IF YOU USE A CONDOM!!!! Condoms reduce your risk – they don’t eliminate it! In other words, there is NO SUCH THING as "safe" sex. It would do the general population a bit of good if we started to call it "safer" sex.

Have you heard of HSV Spinal Meningitis? In 1998, most doctors hadn’t either. It’s Herpes Simplex Spinal Meningitis, and it is what almost killed me. That’s right, herpes, you know, the disease you can still get if you use a condom? The herpes virus can go into the lining of your brain and spinal fluid resulting in spinal meningitis. Meningitis is painful and scary. Worse yet, the antiviral meds they give you through an IV are painful. So much so that I had to have strong pain killers administered an hour before they could give me the drug.

I'm sharing this with you for a few reasons:
  1. Most people I talk to don't know the truth about the risks you take when you have sex. When you make the decision to have sex, make an informed one. And value yourself enough not to take risks on relationships that aren't going anywhere. 
  2. I implore you to look beyond this moment when you make major decisions like having sex with someone. I had no idea that my attempt to prove I was NOT broken would result in:
    • STDs that could kill me
    • Being denied for health insurance because of said STDs
    • Potentially bringing harm to my children during the delivery process (Praise God that that did not happen!)
    • Emotional damage that still affects me today (less today because of years of counseling and spiritual healing.)
  3. If you have an STD, or some other "ugly" in your past, forgive yourself. God has healed my pain and removed my shame. And I have learned how to forgive myself for the plethora of bad choices I have made. It is because of this that I can tell you that I have Herpes almost as easily as I can tell you that I have brown hair.
  4. If you have been raped or have experienced sexual assault in any form, SEEK HELP! Contact your local Rape Crisis Center. If you don't know how to do that, message me and I will point you in the right direction.
I almost died 14 years ago... please don't make the same bad choices that I did. 

Please feel free to share my story with anyone who might benefit from it... especially young people.